
The database and connection to it is managed by the database module. The database is a PostgreSQL database and its structure is defined in the database.models module. Connections to the database and transactions are managed by SQLAlchemy ORM, available queries are defined in the module.

At the start of the app, database.database.get_engine() is called to instantiate an engine and a sessionmaker.


Create and manage connections to the database


Create a session object which is used to interact with the database.

Every time a request is made to the server, a new session is created through database.database.get_db() and used to interact with the database. After the request is finished, the session is closed.


Get a database connection

Return type:


database.database.get_engine(configuration: DBConfiguration, retries: int = 10, delay: int = 5)¶

Get an engine object that manages connection to the database

  • configuration (DBConfiguration) – Database configuration

  • retries (int) – Number of retries before giving up on connecting to the database

  • delay (int) – Delay between each retries

Return type:
